ShuGar Fix Mondays is a weekly inspiration series because Mondays deserve an extra dose of pretty. For more ShuGar Fix Mondays, click here!
My posts are currently pre-scheduled as I am taking time off to be a mommy. I’ve enlisted the help of my bloggy friends (cue Ringo Starr & The Beatles song) to write some guest posts for you lovelies. They’ll be contributing throughout this month of April. Please show them some love by reading their guest posts and also visiting their awesome blogs. Love these ladies! I’ll still be reading your comments from time to time, but my responses will be delayed. Not to worry, though. I have planned some quality content for you in my absence. I plan on returning at the end of April with lots of heart updates.
Guest Post: Elba @ Live Colorful
Hello ShuGar Love readers! I’m Elba Valverde, designer and blogger at Live Colorful. I am very excited to be here with you while my friend Carmen enjoys her first days as a new mommy of a gorgeous baby boy! So much excitement and love deserves a special celebration and what better way than talking a little bit about love and color.
It was about 3 pm. An hour before the paint store closed when my mom had the bright idea of painting the walls a new color. We rushed to buy the paint and came home with a pair of brushes, rollers and two huge buckets of a color named Oaxaca. We made coffee and some cookies and started to paint the walls with this bright and deep orange tone.
Just like this one, I have several stories that I associate with special feelings of colors. That orange always reminds me of afternoons helping my mom with her crazy and impulsive ideas, making new cushions, designing clothes for our dogs or upholstering the dining room chairs. Mustard yellow reminds me of my dad, maybe because it is the color of his car, I remember how excited I was when I saw that yellow car coming into the garage at night. Blue is the color of my hubby for example, when we met I realized that he wore blue all the time! so I started calling him “azulito” (little blue) that by the way, he did not understand, back then he didn’t speak much Spanish, it was adorable.
After reading the beautiful posts that Carmen wrote a few days ago, love smells like chili peppers, I began to wonder, just like smells bring us those special memories, what about the things we see, what about colors?
There are a few colors that remind me how lucky I am to have such special people around me and that makes me feel so loved and happy, those are the colors of love for me, it could be orange, mustard or blue, or all of them together!
What about you, have you ever thought about what color represents love for you?
Thank you, sweet Elba, for contributing to our mutual love of color! Elba is an uber-talented blogger and designer who inspires me every day to live a colorful life. Please visit her gorgeous blog at Live Colorful to learn more about her passion for color!