A Blog All About the Heart

Besties As Time Goes By

February 6, 2014


As time goes by, life has a funny way of teaching you things. I have been pondering about one of them lately. It probably has something to do with me just reevaluating my life at this point as it is about to drastically change with ShuGar Boy coming soon. Have you ever noticed how your friendships change the older you get and the more life experiences you have?

The friendship can change for the good or the bad, but change is inevitable. It’s sort of life reminding you to appreciate what really matters. I have found that life has weeded out the “superficial” friends and I am grateful for that. As the years pass me by, my friendship circle has become smaller and smaller. I am a very private person (despite having a public blog), and I don’t open my personal life to just anyone. It’s not how I am built.

Therefore, I am very selective as to who I let in. I realize now that my closest friends are those I met in college and beyond. The main reason is mainly because I began to discover myself during this time and before that point, I was just still trying to figure it all out. During high school, I thought having a cool group of friends meant everything. College taught me the beauty of being alone and also of cherishing those few people you can count on.

Through life’s ups and downs, some friends have stayed and many have gone. It is life. There’s no animosity I hold towards any of them. It is what it is. Or what it was. I do recognize that as I get older, the ones who are genuine have never even come close to abandoning me when times were hard or in times of happiness. True friends give you a shoulder to cry on without even asking for it. They also are authentically happy for you when you are happy, all petty jealousy is not part of true friendship. Even though life gets really busy the older you get, they are still there a phone call away. You know they will drive to you house at a moment’s notice if you need them to come hug you. It’s an unspoken mutual agreement.

I admit I have had my heart broken in the past by friends who have gone. After healing, I appreciate the true friends that are still here and who will be part of ShuGar Boy’s life. In case any of my sweet friends are reading, this one is for you. It’s an ode to your love and dedication. It has not gone unnoticed and my life is beautiful because you are in it. Thank you beyond words.

What have you discovered about friendship in your life? Who are your besties? What do you value in friendship?

P.S. Today is the last day to enter to win some ShuGar Loving for my “ShuGar Love Hearts You Giveaway!

Photo credit: Girls Holding Hands


Let’s be friends!


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