The All You Need is Love Project is a movement to inspire more love on this planet. The more we come together, the more love we can share. Join the revolution here!
Father’s Day is upon us so let’s dedicate a day to honoring those daddy and daddy figures who have made a special impact in our lives. Who is a daddy you love and admire? What constitutes the definition of a dad? More and more research has proven the importance of a father figure in a child’s life. In your opinion, why is this so valuable? Let’s show our daddies some love!
Hello, sweet lovers! Today’s love day is an extra special day for our daddies. I’ve read countless articles about the importance of a father figure in a child’s life. I subconsciously always knew this to be the case, but it’s not until we had our little Camdelicious that I have seen firsthand what this actually means. But even before Mr. ShuGar or Camden came along, there was one man who I have always loved. The original love of my life: My Daddy.
My daddy is my hero. I have learned how to love Mr. ShuGar through my dad. My daddy has jokingly repeatedly told me, “Don’t expect to ever find someone like your dad.” There is definite truth in his statement, but I think Mr. ShuGar has come real close.
What I have noticed with ShuGar Boy is that dads parent way differently than us mamas. Let me share an example. Our Camden Boy is encouraged to do lots of tummy time. Let’s be frank: He hates it. I tend to pick him up right away the minute I hear him express his discomfort. Not Mr. ShuGar! He encourages Camdie to keep going and not give up, despite its challenges. Because of Mr. ShuGar’s influence, our little boy now has pretty darn strong neck muscles and only cries after five minutes of tummy time.
I understand now my daddy was this way with me. He has always taught me to push myself, to not accept no for an answer, to strive for what I want despite life’s setbacks, and to forever believe in myself. This is the power of a daddy. The key to all these qualities is not what they taught us, but how. My daddy has given me this inspiration through love, and sometimes some tough love, but pure love nonetheless. At times, we have clashed because I like to believe we are similar in nature. Two minds think alike and also fight alike.
The key to a great dad is supporting us with love so that we can develop to be the individuals we were meant to be. I have one memory of my daddy which still warms my heart.
I have consistently been a perfectionist, especially in school. I strived for A’s and have never been satisfied is I didn’t get what I wanted. I have studied hard and I am proud of what I have accomplished with my Master’s degree. However, I know I would not be in this current position with my career if my dad hadn’t sat down with me to help me with my homework. In one particular case in my freshman year in college, I got my first C. I was devastated, especially since it was in my English class since I have always been a lover of words. I cried to my dad, showed him my paper, and he said he would sit with me to help me improve. He not only followed through with helping me, but he continued to check up on my progress. Because of his love, I improved significantly and never ever got another C in writing again. Even as I write to you now, I owe that to my daddy because he is an excellent wordsmith and taught me the beauty of words.
As a recent mama, I can now look at how he hugs my Camdie and see how he loved me. It’s so touching. I captured the photo above when he was caring for his grandson. They look like twins!
I’d like to dedicate this post to my daddy and Mr. ShuGar, who is a recent father and is doing an amazing job. When I see him hold Camden, my heart is so full and I know that my little boy will be as blessed with a loving father as I was.
Happy Daddy’s Day to all you incredible fathers out there!
Who is a daddy you admire? Why? Why are fathers so important in our lives? How have they made an impact in yours? Let’s show dads some loving!
Our monthly tradition of having a love free-for-all topic is next! Post anything your heart desires about love next week. The only requisite is that you share your love with the rest of us.
Interested in spreading more lovin’ today? You can linkup your love post below. Post a pic on facebook/instagram/twitter/google + about today’s love topic or anything that inspires your heart. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #allyouneedisloveproject so we can follow you! You can also post any lovely pins to the pinterest board All You Need is Love Project. Be part of love discussions with the All You Need is Love Project Facebook Group.
Join the love revolution below. Ready, set, love!
Photo credit: Carmen Garcia-Shushtari