A Blog All About the Heart

All you Need is ShuGar Love

April 19, 2013
All you Need is ShuGar Love

Photo credit: Ashley Rose Photography

How have I been blogging for this long and have not mentioned The Beatles yet, I do not know. When I think of The Beatles, I immediately think of love. Love for my dad and now love for Mr. ShuGar. After all, I grew up listening to the Beatles on my dad’s records and Mr. ShuGar and I had a Beatles-inspired engagement photo session and a Beatles-themed wedding. Our theme was All You Need is ShuGar Love.

I don’t remember hearing a lot of music in English as a child, but I do remember my dad playing his Beatles records. He would put them onto the record player, take a seat on the sofa and explain the genius of his favorite band. I consider this my American education.

Mr. ShuGar, as I have said many times, has his Ph.D. in The Beatles. I am blown away by the amount of facts he knows about the Beatles, but also his deep appreciation for their musical talent. When Mr. ShuGar and I were first dating, we would listen to tons of Beatles CDs and he would explain Beatles history and describe the magic of their harmonies.

It’s hard to pick my favorite Beatles songs; there are just too many – and there are the solo years too.  Nevertheless, I do have certain songs that speak to my heart and they can be explained in relation to my love for Mr. ShuGar.

Don’t Let Me Down

When I met Mr. ShuGar, I was healing from a heartbreak. I had survived a short-lived marriage, which ended because of his infidelity, as well as so many other issues that were always below the surface. I finally moved on (thanks to the best therapist, Zumba, family and friends) and I learned to be on my own. Then, I met Mr. ShuGar and he changed all the rules. Even though I was ready to be single forever, I fell in love.

It’s unbelievable the side effects of infidelity. As soon as I fell in love, I began to be scared that he, too, would let me down. I was terrified to be heartbroken once again. I love how John Lennon’s voice depicts the desperation and angst in begging that special someone to not let you down. It’s raw and powerful and I can definitely relate to that feeling.

Oh! Darling


Paul McCartney’s vocals are similar to John Lennon’s in the previous song – vulnerably strong and dripping with love. I remember Mr. ShuGar promising me again and again that he would never “do me no harm.” He asked me to believe him. It was not easy, because after you have survived infidelity it leaves scars that are deep. But, Mr. ShuGar slowly showed me how to trust once again. Not all men are the same.

Across the Universe

Across the Universe is a true representation of putting music to poetry. I love this song so much that we chose parts of the lyrics to be featured in our wedding invitations. 

Invitations: Posh Paperie - Photo credit: Ashley Rose Photography

Invitations: Posh Paperie – Photo credit: Ashley Rose Photography

Limitless undying love, which

Shines around me like a million suns,

It calls me on and on across the universe

I chose Fiona Apple’s cover because I think she does the song justice and her voice is alluring.

I adore those moments when you are falling deeply, deeply in love and you know your life will never be the same. My life has never been the same and I am grateful everyday for Mr. ShuGar loving me. Our journey has not been easy, but we have grown together. I remember asking Mr. ShuGar, “How much do you love me?” And he would respond by stretching his arms as far out as he could. I know his love stretches across the universe.

Here, There and Everywhere

When we began to plan our wedding, I knew I wanted to march down the aisle to this song. It was perfect; My dad introduced it to me (the man of my life) and now Mr. ShuGar was my new Beatles teacher (the new man in my life).

Paul McCartney’s ballad is sweet and so lovely.  The song begins with, “To lead a better life I need my love to be here…” and so I walked down the aisle to the man I would marry so that we could build a better life together. I need him here, there and everywhere always.


The harmonies in Because are enchanting. The Beatles together made sweet sounds and this song truly highlights their musicality as a band. No loud instruments; just their voices.

Why do I love Mr. ShuGar? Because he makes me see the world full of endless possibilities. Because he loves me despite my moody moods and my dramatic ways. Because he is gorgeous and gentle, humble and kind. Because he is the embodiment of true, unconditional love and there is no where I would rather be than by his side for the rest of my life.

And so this is a snapshot of my love story told through The Beatles.  All I need is ShuGar Love because “Love is all; Love is You.”

P.S. Eeek!!! Soon after I wrote this post, the New York Times mentioned our wedding in their Sunday Style section here. Dying!


Let’s be friends!


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